greenteQ Orion 3 Star Key Cutting
High security dimple keys to your door!
Extra keys for the greenteQ Orion 3 Star euro cylinder door lock. Quick, secure, and accurate key cutting of genuine, Q-branded dimple keys, for new and existing cylinders. Each Orion key features two rows of pin cuts, with over 100,000 key differs. For increased security, access to the Q-secure database is restricted and keys are password-protected once the cylinder is registered, to prevent fraudulent duplication of keys.
Features & Benefits
- High quality - genuine Q-branded blanks
- Restricted access - password-protected key cutting
- Approved supplier - trusted by the manufacturer
- Reversible - key codes cut on both sides for easy key entry
- Precision key-cutting - smooth operation
Not registered your greenteQ Orion 3 Star cylinder?
Please register your existing cylinder on the Q-secure website, using "Truly PVC Limited" as the Installer Company Name.
How to Order
The cutting of keys for the greenteQ Orion cylinder is heavily restricted, to prevent fraudulent duplication of keys. Cylinders must be registered on the proteQ10 website, and the home owner must have chosen a password at time of registration. This unique password, and the key number, is required before keys can be cut.
Provide Key Number
Enter the 7-character “V” key number engraved on your original keys into the field above.
Provide Password
Enter your proteQ10 password set during registration of the cylinder into password field above. If the cylinder is unregistered, please leave blank.
Safe Address
Your new keys will be posted with your invoice, so we recommend that you use alternative Billing and Delivery addresses. Your workplace, or the address of a friend or family member is ideal.
IMPORTANT Remember that we despatch each order with an invoice that includes billing and delivery addresses. Therefore, we discourage you from using the address where the key will be used.